New Bangs
You know that feeling when you’ve been at the hairdresser and just can’t stop touching your hair? This is exactly what I’ve been doing since yesterday. I went to Lippert’s (L2) and had an absolutely wonderful afternoon. I’ve never been there before but since it is very well known I thought I should give it a try. And I was not disappointed. //Kennt ihr das, wenn ihr beim Frisör wart und ihr einfach nicht aufhören könnt, euch durch die Haare zu fahren? Genau das tue ich seit gestern non-stop. Ich war bei Lippert’s Friseure (L2) und hatte einen unglaublichen Nachmittag. Ich war zum ersten Mal dort, aber da der Salon…
Happy 4th of July!
Exactly one year ago I had one of the greatest weeks of my life because I got the chance to visit the city that never sleeps – New York. It was even more impressive because we experienced the atmosphere on 4th of July, on Independence Day. Everywhere you looked people were dressed in red, white and blue, they were singing and having fun from morning till midnight. On the evening we went to Hudson River and watched the abolutely amazing and breathtaking fireworks, seriously, I’ve never seen something like this in my whole life. Now, one year later, I’m not in America but still want to revive the feeling I…
Tasty Tuesday – Vegan Banana Bread
I’m not a huge chocolate junkie anymore, but there’s one sweet treat I just can’t resist… cake. And I don’t mean the ones that are covered and filled with cream, they are just too heavy and not worth the tremendous amount of calories and fat – at least for me. I’m talking about apple pie, blueberry pie, carrot cake… But what I really really like right now is banana bread. It is so delicious and the recipe I use is also vegan. So if you avoid any kind of animal products this might me something for you. I’m not vegan but I wanted to know how it tastes and now…