• Fashion,  OOTD,  Streetstyle,  Travel

    Berlin Streetstyle – Stars and Spikes

    Wohoooo, a streetstyle post! I really do like these posts but unfortunately I don’t have time to do them very often. Also I’m still a bit shy when it comes to asking people about featuring them in such a post on my blog (yeah I’m still trying to work on this), but as I saw Theresa’s shoes I ran after her, yep literally, and simply asked her – she said yes! Thank you again, you were really sweet. (: Anyway, what I like about her outfit is that she let her shoes take center stage and kept the rest of her outfit simple and all black. Her scarf, which falls…

  • Fashion,  Hair,  Me,  OOTD

    Naughty or Nice?

    Hey everyone! How’s your day so far? Mine was very interesting but also pretty exhausting. I visited the ‚Veggie Expo‘, an exhibition about vegetarian and also vegan food, clothes, cosmetics and lifestyle. It was very interesting and I also bought some things (I just can’t resist good food), I will show them to you in another post, so stay tuned! One week ago I went to my hairdresser, Lippert’s Friseure. I did not want a huge change, my hair is simply looking healthy and fresh again. As always I had a very good time with a relaxed atmosphere and an excellent service. I may also have gotten a new product…

  • Fashion,  Me,  OOTD

    OOTD – Plain Plaid

    Hey everyone! Feels like spring outside, doesn’t it? The sun is shining, birds are singing, no clouds in sight and no icy wind/snow/rain/anything eeeew. My semester break could not start any better. (: With the temperatures rising it’s also time for adapting my wardrobe. Goodbye heavy knits and sweaters, hello flowy tees and sunnies! Well, maybe a cardigan wouldn’t hurt. And a jacket. Just in case. (; The weather’s great, but a chilly breeze here and there still reminds me that it’s still February and actually winter. Therefore layering is key – again! But this time it’s different from the layering I did in winter (gosh Laura, it’s still winter,…

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