October Favourites
This was already October, really?? Wow, it went by so fast! With the start of university, meeting so many new people, studying, working out and reading Halloween posts on almost every blog I follow, this month just flew by. I am sitting at my desk now, with my campus logbuch open in front of me, trying to recapture everything I experienced this month. Also, this month was/is the International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I tried to wear the pink ribbon as often as possible, did upload pictures on instagram and posts here on beauty tastes good and looked out for all the different campaigns, which are supporting breast cancer awareness.…
Outfit – Beanie Love
Hey everyone! Since the clock change this weekend it is getting dark soooo early! Today I took the train home at 5 p.m. and it was already starting to get dark. If I don’t like something about the winter months, that’s it. -.- Anyway, to lighten up the day a little bit, I’ve got a new outfit post for you guys! During the last few days it was really sunny and warm (at least where I live) and it almost felt like late summer. This is how fall should be, don’t you think? (; But it’s already October, which means that early mornings and nights can be pretty cold. But…
OOTD – The Best of Both Worlds
Hey everyone! Time for Fashion and an Outfit Of The Day post! I personally wouldn’t describe my style as girly… But also not as boyish or masculine either. It’s something in between, sometimes a bit lady-like with trenchcoat or even a dress, on other days rougher and tougher (this rhyme was NOT intended! ^^) with leather jacket and destroyed jeans. But then, very rarely, I want to try something that’s completely different from my usual style. On these days I have the urge of stepping out of my comfort zone and see how it feels. Weird, free, or too daring? Good, self confident or maybe even… like myself, just better?…