Was stellt man mit diesem Tag an, wenn die eigene Mutter nicht mehr da ist? Was macht man, wenn all die anderen Menschen, die so viel Glück haben und deren Mama noch da ist, mit selbiger beisammen sitzen und den Tag mit ihr verbringen? Denn genau das ist es – Glück. Diese Menschen haben in meinen Augen einfach nur unfassbares Glück. Glück, das ich nicht mehr teilen kann. Was also macht man an so einem Tag? Zumal dieser Tag auch noch Wochen vorher auf sämtlichen Plattformen beworben wird. Floristen schmücken ihre Fenster und hoffen auf das Geschäft des Jahres (neben dem Valentinstag natürlich), Beauty Counter und Kaufhäuser werben mit Mutter-Tochter-Angeboten…
Whenever I hear the word anxiety I have to think of a song by the Black Eyed Peas featuring Papa Roach. My favourite part of the song are the lyrics of the chorus: ‚The anxiety, sane and the insane rivalry, paranoias brought me to my knees, Lord please, please, please, take away my anxiety‘ The whole song in general is great and right now I can identify myself with it more than ever. To me, anxiety is totally diffrent from fear. With fear I mostly associate things from the outside, like horror movies, spiders, the girl from ‚The ring‘ – you get the idea. Anxiety on the other hand comes…
Change Is The Only Persistency
First of all let me state that my absence had nothing to do with lack of love or passion for my blog. But as we all know there comes a time when your life changes completely and every amount of control you thought you had is slipping through your fingers, right in front of your eyes. Everything changes and you have to admit to yourself that nothing’s going to be the same ever again. But that’s not easy. The hardest part about that is realizing that you never really know what you have until it’s gone. Yeah, how often have you heard those seemingly empty words? But trust me, they’re…