Gesichtspflege für Sensibelchen: Meine Must-haves
Der Slogan meines Blogs verrät es ja schon: Ich bin sensibel mit Haut und Haar. Das ist auch absolut wörtlich zu nehmen, denn meine Gesichtshaut ist eine wahre Diva. Produkte zu finden, die ich vertrage, ist gar nicht so einfach, aber inzwischen habe ich den Dreh raus. Um euch die Suche durch zahlreiche Shops zu vereinfachen, stelle ich euch in diesem Post meine Must-haves in Sachen Gesichtspflege für sensible Haut vor. Schwierige Kombi: Beauty Junkie & sensible Haut Zugegeben: Ich steh‘ auf Beauty Produkte, besonders auf Hautpflege. Cleanser (cremig, als Öl, als Gel), Serum, Essenz, hydrating mists, AHAs, Feuchtigkeitspflege… die Liste an Produkten und fancy Anglizismen könnte noch ewig so…
April Favourites
Hey everyone! May has already arrived, April lies behind us and y’all know what that means: time for my monthly favourites! April was all about the start of university, I’m in my second semester now and so far all of my courses are pretty cool. This semester did start off better and more relaxed in general, uni is not that big, mysterious, impersonal thing it used to be. (; Anyway, April did also mark the beginning of spring and we were really lucky with the weather, yaaaay! This month also included lots of chocolate (hello Easter Bunnies and Eggs), motocross and a packet that made my heart skip a beat.…
March Favourites
I know, I know – I’m a bit late with this post, but better late than never, huh? (: March for me was full of ups and downs, I had some personal/family issues which left me feeling kind of exhausted and anxious, but I also had such a great weekend in Berlin with my lovely friend Julia (make sure to check out some of my posts here, here and here) and I wish I could turn back time and experiece it all over again. But now March is over, time for a fresh start, a whole new month ahead of us so let’s enjoy it! But first I’m going to…