Fight the Frizz – Tested: Sebastian Penetraitt Masque
Seriously, the weather these days makes me go crazy. It’s so hot that I always feel tired, floppy and less hungry than ever before. I can’t even stick to my workout routine because of those insane temperatures. -.- This is why this post is just in English. It is pretty long, but if you want a German version of it, let me know (via comment section, facebook or email) and I’ll translate it as soon as possible!
Anyway, not only I get crazy, but so does my hair. When it’s humid outside (like right now) it seems to soak up just any kind of moisture around it. No matter how much anti-frizz lotion I apply in the morning it’s aaalways the same. But since summer is just getting started right now and I definitely don’t want to look like my hair kind of exploded, I figured I needed to do something.
If your hair get’s frizzy during humid weather, it has not enough moisture. So it soaks up moisture from the air around you. This means that you have to treat your hair with very moisturizing products, like conditioners and masks, to avoid this process. Conditioners you should now use every time you wash your hair, but make sure to only apply it at the ends of your hair, if it get’s greasy fast. Think of where your ponytail starts, if you pull your hair back. This is where the application of conditioner starts.
Same goes with masks. They are packed with moisturizing and nourshing ingredients and have to sink in for at least 3 minutes. Apply it once a week and you will soon notice a visible change of your hair.
picture from here
I personally started using Sebastian’s Penetraitt Masque, which I bought at Lippert’s a few weeks ago. And it is a m a z i n g . It is supposed to strengthen and regenerate your hair, to protect it from coloring, bleaching and heat (from straighteners/curling irons). And it really works.
What I first noticed, is the scent. It smells so incredibly good, I can’t even describe it. Maybe a bit like flowers and you still smell it after you step out of the shower, which I like very much. I constantly smell at the tube, kind of weird… ^^
The consistency is creamy and it goes on evenly. You’re supposed to leave it in for about 2-3 minutes, rinse it out and then be amazed by your hair’s new gained softness and shine. (;
Unfortunately it is pretty pricey, around 25€ for 150 ml. But for me it is worth it, since I never had a hair treatment that worked this well. This one lives up to it’s promises.
You can get it at Lippert’s or in this online shop for example.
So, say goodbye to frizzy hair and enjoy the summer! Well, as far as that’s possible during these temperatures. (;
Do you have any favourite hair treatments? Dou you even have some DIY ideas? Tell me! (: