Instantly Inspired

  • Adventure,  Food,  Instantly Inspired,  Recipe

    Ice Ice Baby – Spontaneous, Healthy Breakfast Recipe

    Today I had one of the best breakfasts EVER and I thought I would share this with you. It’s so simple, yet absolutely delicious. But first things first. I woke up feeling a little bit adventurous this morning and told myself: Why not change up your breakfast and try something different, something detox-inspired? So I made my way into the kitchen and started experimenting. And the result was actually SO amazing, totally made my day. You know that feeling when you’ve had a suprisingly amazing breakfast and feel fresh and energized afterwards? No? Then grab your blender and try out this recipe! Here’s what you’ll need: – half a banana…

  • Instantly Inspired,  Music

    You should probably loose some weight, cause we can’t see your bones

    picture Do you recognize the lyrics? They’re from Lily Allen’s new single ‚Hard out here‘ and I have to say that I just love this song! Especially the lyrics. Lily has often been criticized for her weight and her body, but now, with this song, she speaks up, doesn’t hold back and stands her ground. ‚Hard out here‘ is so much more than just a cool song with great lyrics and a cool melody. It’s like an anthem for all those who are sick of size zero and stars who are drinking green juices for weeks in order to get skinny and fit again (and posting every detail about it…

  • Instantly Inspired,  Me

    Instantly Inspired – A Lesson Learned

    Hey everyone! This week is so packed and it seems like I don’t have time for anything so I hope you’re not too disappointed that I could not upload a new post for a couple of days. Anyway, today was a weird day… It started really bad and I did certainly not feel good. I missed a deadline and now I won’t be able to take an exam, which means I have to take it next semester and I was so disappointed of myself for not remembering such an important date… I tried everything, did make phone calls, asked friends, but nothing could change the situation. Then, while leaving the…

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