Home Is Where The Heart Is
Hello my lovely readers!
The reason why it’s been so quiet here on Beauty tastes good for the last couple of days is that I spent some time in Hamburg with my mum. We go there almost every year and it has somehow become a tradition among us. But this time it was different…
I fell in love with this city as fast as you can say ‚Moin Moin‘. Seriously, I never get tired of slowly walking through Hamburg, coffee in one hand and my mum right beside me, breathing in the fresh air, hearing the sound of seagulls above our heads and the wind touseling my hair. But it’s more than that, it’s that very special feeling I only have in this beautiful city. It’s the feeling of lightheartedness, joy, freedom, happiness and love. This is the one week every year where I leave all my troubles behind, let go of my insecurities and simply live for the moment.
You may ask yourself now why I haven’t already moved to Hamburg then, and I must say that I thought about this question a lot. But still I haven’t come to a conclusion. On the one hand I obviously love Hamburg more than my hometown and I want to spend as much time there as possible, but on the other hand I wonder if it really would be the same if I lived up there. Let me explain that for you. During this one week my mum and I basically do almost everything we wouldn’t do back home – we go shopping (a lot!), we eat in the finest restaurants, we stay in beautiful hotels, sleep in, take slow walks along the harbour and live every second to the fullest. Long story short: we afford and experience a lot of special things that aren’t part of a ’normal‘ everyday life. Don’t get me wrong, I save a lot of money beforehand and almost forbid myself to buy just anything until we are in Hamburg, just to enjoy the time there. Of course my love for this city isn’t just bound on material things, as I said before it’s that certain feeling, or rather cocktail of feelings, that’s so special. This is why I ask myself: Would it be the same if I really lived in Hamburg, if I went to university there and have a daily routine? I don’t know. All I know is that both my mum and I fell in love with this city all over again this time. It was so hard to say goodbye and in fact we’re both still struggling with being back home. But maybe… Maybe we can have more than one home, maybe we can have a couple of ‚homes‘. In my case I have three: the one where I grew up and still live, the one where my relatives are, and the one where my heart is. ♥
2 Kommentare
Stimmt, das mit dem Praktikum wäre vielleicht tatsächlich keine schlechte Idee… Daran hatte ich noch gar nicht gedacht. Das wäre wirklich eine gute Möglichkeit, mal länger in der Stadt zu sein, aber trotzdem nicht für immer da zu leben und so den ‚Zauber‘ zu verlieren. (:
Sehr schön geschrieben, ich kann dich gut verstehen. Aber noch bevor du selbst die Antwort auf deine Frage geschrieben hast, habe ich mir schon das selbe gedacht: Es wäre sicher nicht das Selbe. Also die Stadt würde sich selbstverständlich nicht verändern, aber auch dort würde irgendwann der Alltag einzug halten und da ist es eben – wie du schon gesagt hast – nicht an der Tagesordnung, in den Tag hineinzuleben und die Seele baumeln zu lassen. Das ist dem Urlaub vorbehalten und das ist meiner Meinung auch ganz gut so.
Aber vielleicht wäre ja ein 3 oder 6-monatiges Praktikum dort für dich eine Idee? Dann wäre es zumindest temporär dein Zuhause und du könntest dort wirklich aus dem Vollen schöpfen 🙂