• Beauty,  Food,  Health

    Beauty tastes good – Healthy Snacks

    Between breakfast and lunch I am constantly hungry, no kidding. No matter how much or what I eat for breakfast, two hours later (sometimes it doesn’t even take that long) I am already starving. Is it just me, or is there anyone else out there feeling the same?? ^^ Anyway, this is the reason why I always have some sort of snack at hand, an apple, nuts, granola bars – there is no day where you don’t find anything to eat inside my bag. Maybe this sounds weird to some of you, but I hate the feeling of being hungry and especially when I’m in university I need to stay…

  • Fashion,  Me,  OOTD,  Streetstyle

    OOTD – The Best of Both Worlds

    Hey everyone! Time for Fashion and an Outfit Of The Day post! I personally wouldn’t describe my style as girly… But also not as boyish or masculine either. It’s something in between, sometimes a bit lady-like with trenchcoat or even a dress, on other days rougher and tougher (this rhyme was NOT intended! ^^) with leather jacket and destroyed jeans. But then, very rarely, I want to try something that’s completely different from my usual style. On these days I have the urge of stepping out of my comfort zone and see how it feels. Weird, free, or too daring? Good, self confident or maybe even… like myself, just better?…

  • Beauty,  University

    Beauty Buddies for University

    Hey everyone! Today’s my third day at University and I really can’t complain so far. It’s still chaotic, hectic and a bit out of control, but almost every freshman student is feeling that way and we’re all trying to help each other. Hectic is my catchword. Between lectures, tutorials, meeting new friends for lunch and catching the train there’s hardly any time to retouch your make up or reapply that faded lipstick. For this reason I always carry a small bag in my actual handbag, which contains my beauty essentials for on-the-go. These essentials are products that I’ve been using for a long time, so they’re tested and approved. (;…

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