
  • Beauty,  University

    Beauty Buddies for University

    Hey everyone! Today’s my third day at University and I really can’t complain so far. It’s still chaotic, hectic and a bit out of control, but almost every freshman student is feeling that way and we’re all trying to help each other. Hectic is my catchword. Between lectures, tutorials, meeting new friends for lunch and catching the train there’s hardly any time to retouch your make up or reapply that faded lipstick. For this reason I always carry a small bag in my actual handbag, which contains my beauty essentials for on-the-go. These essentials are products that I’ve been using for a long time, so they’re tested and approved. (;…

  • Beauty,  Concert,  Fashion,  Food,  Instantly Inspired,  Music,  News,  Pinktober

    Pinktober feat. Hayley Williams

    picture from hard rock cafe This year, the Hard Rock Cafes are again supporting Breast Cancer Awareness with  their campaign called ‚Pinktober‚. They design shirts, accessories, organise special concerts, create pink drinks – all in order to rise awareness and to donate money to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Every year, there is another star promoting their campaign, in 2013 it’s Paramore’s lead singer Hayley Williams. So next time you walk into a Hard Rock Cafe, listen to good music, eat, drink AND shop for a good cause. //Auch dieses Jahr unterstützen die Hard Rock Cafes wieder das Bewusstsein für Brustkrebs mit ihrer ‚Pinktober‚ Kampagne. Sie designen Shirts, Accessiores, organisieren…

  • Beauty,  Hair

    Fight the Frizz – Get Your Hair Ready for Fall

    Hey lovelies! Let’s face it… The time of scarfs, beanies, sweaters and harsh weather is about to come. That means total stress for your hair. Wind, hats and scarfs roughen up hair and make it dry and brittle (and who needs that?!). Now, it’s high time to adapt your hair care routine to the changing conditions, so that your locks stay super soft and shiny! //Hallöchen meine Lieben! Machen wir uns nichts vor… die Zeit von Schals, Beanies, Pullovern und ungemütlichem Wetter liegt direkt vor uns. Das bedeutet puren Stress für eure Haare. Wind, Hüte und Schals rauen die Haarstruktur auf und machen es trocken und brüchig (und wer braucht…

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