
  • Beauty,  Fashion,  Food,  Health,  Instantly Inspired,  Me,  Music,  Travel

    20 Facts About Me

    Hey everyone! Today you will get to know me a little bit better. So no more talking, let’s get right into it and maybe you can identify yourself with one of my habits. Or two. (; //Hallo meine Lieben! Heute werdet ihr mich mal ein bisschen besser kennen lernen. Also, kein langes Gequatsche mehr, ich leg sofort los und vielleicht erkennt ihr euch ja bei einer Eigenschaft wieder. Oder auch bei Zweien. (; 1. I love rock, hardrock, metal and alternative. My two favourite bands are Avenged Sevenfold and Stone Sour. 2. My favourite seasons are Spring and Fall. 3. About four years ago, I’ve totally been into the skater…

  • Beauty,  Food,  Health

    Tea Time

    Tea was definitely made for fall and winter. Is there anything better on cold, grey and rainy days, where you just feel like lying in your comfy bed, watching your favourite TV series and warming up from within with a delicious cup of hot tea? Don’t think so. I really love the benefits of tea. It can help you to recover from a nasty cold, it can help ease PMS symptoms (ladies, you know what I’m talking about…), reduce stress and so much more. No matter which blend you choose, your body and your mood will thank you. My personal all time favourites are ginger, fennel-anis-caraway and green tea. Today…

  • Food,  Travel

    Barcelona tastes good

    Hey my lovelies! Travelling to a new city or country also means discovering new food and delicasies. First thing we noticed: the people in Spain eat veeeery late. And I mean really late, some did start to eat dinner, when we were about to leave, which was like 11 pm. Many restaurants also didn’t open until 8.30 pm, so if you’re not used to eating this late, it’s pretty weird at first, but fortunately we didn’t have to do it every night. Besides the different mealtimes we also got to know that meals in Spain, both lunch and dinner, consist of three courses, appetizer, main course and dessert. It is…

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