
  • Beauty,  Food,  Health

    Tea Time

    Tea was definitely made for fall and winter. Is there anything better on cold, grey and rainy days, where you just feel like lying in your comfy bed, watching your favourite TV series and warming up from within with a delicious cup of hot tea? Don’t think so. I really love the benefits of tea. It can help you to recover from a nasty cold, it can help ease PMS symptoms (ladies, you know what I’m talking about…), reduce stress and so much more. No matter which blend you choose, your body and your mood will thank you. My personal all time favourites are ginger, fennel-anis-caraway and green tea. Today…

  • Food,  Health,  News,  Tested

    Trying Tofu…

    Hey lovelies! You already know that I’m not just a beauty junkie, but also a little health junkie. For a pretty long time I wanted to try out tofu, since I’m a big fan of soy milk and yoghurt (yummiiiieee!) and I’ve been curious about it’s taste. So, today was the day. My cousin from Austria is here and together we cooked our first meal with tofu. And it was… interesting. ^^ //Hallo meine Lieben! Ihr wisst natürlich schon, dass ich nicht nur ein Beauty Junkie, sondern auch ein kleiner Gesundheits Junkie bin. Schon lange wollte ich Tofu mal probieren, da ich ein großer Fan von Sojamilch und -joghurt bin…

  • Beauty,  Food,  Health

    Nature’s Candy

    Including lots of fruits in your diet has so many benefits. It’s nature’s candy but much better for your body than any chocolate bar on earth. Fruit gives you vitamins, energy and some even can help to prevent you from a nasty cold. If you’ve rather been the chocolate/fast-food type until now, start with baby steps and try to incorporate one piece of fruit a day to your meal plan. Switch it up every day and I promise that you soon will find something that you like and that you will grab an apple over a candy bar more and more often. So start today and your first step is…

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