
  • Beauty,  Concert,  Fashion,  Food,  Instantly Inspired,  Music,  News,  Pinktober

    Pinktober feat. Hayley Williams

    picture from hard rock cafe This year, the Hard Rock Cafes are again supporting Breast Cancer Awareness with  their campaign called ‚Pinktober‚. They design shirts, accessories, organise special concerts, create pink drinks – all in order to rise awareness and to donate money to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Every year, there is another star promoting their campaign, in 2013 it’s Paramore’s lead singer Hayley Williams. So next time you walk into a Hard Rock Cafe, listen to good music, eat, drink AND shop for a good cause. //Auch dieses Jahr unterstützen die Hard Rock Cafes wieder das Bewusstsein für Brustkrebs mit ihrer ‚Pinktober‚ Kampagne. Sie designen Shirts, Accessiores, organisieren…

  • News,  Organisation,  University

    University Companion – Campus Logbuch

    Organisation is key. Especially when you’re a freshman struggling with tutorials, meetings, guided tours through university and libraries, shopping trips, dates, going out… Keeping track of all this stuff can be really difficult, but thankfully there’s something that helps us not to loose control and stay focused. University means you’re not in school anymore, but still not really an adult (at least that’s how I see it). To organise all your appointments, you need something in between an agenda/homework planner and a filofax. There should be enough space for personal entries, dates and university stuff like exams and deadlines. But it also shouldn’t be too blank or boring either. You…

  • News,  University

    Preparing for University

    Hey everyone! I know it’s been a few days since my last post, but this week I had a freshmen programme at university. All in all it was really interesting, it was a first get-together of all freshmen, who want to become teacher. Yep, you heard right, I am one of them. (; The past three days were really busy, there was so much information (actually too much, if you ask me), so many new faces, new buildings, we couldn’t even process it all, so now I’m pretty happy that it is over and that I have the day all to myself. //Hallo meine Lieben! Ich weiß, seit meinem letzten…

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