
  • Anxiety,  Health,  Music

    Meine Panik-Playlist: Shake it off!

    Dass ich nun schon ein ganzes Weilchen mit Ängsten und Panik zu tun habe, dürfte sicherlich kein Geheimnis mehr sein. Über die Jahre habe ich unterschiedliche Strategien erlernt, um damit mehr oder weniger gut umzugehen. Wenn mich die Panik allerdings mal wieder voll im Griff hat, gibt es wenig, was sofortige Wirkung zeigt. Erst vor kurzem bin ich dann auf eine Methode gekommen, die bis jetzt jedes, wirklich JEDES Mal die Panik mit all ihren Begleiterscheinungen vollends vertrieben hat: meine Panik-Playlist.  Von Sympathikus und Parasympathikus Was im Körper während einer Panikattacke so alles vorgeht, habe ich euch in diesem Post schon einmal kurz berichtet. Die körperlichen Symptome wie Zittern, Hyperventilation…

  • Instantly Inspired,  Music

    You should probably loose some weight, cause we can’t see your bones

    picture Do you recognize the lyrics? They’re from Lily Allen’s new single ‚Hard out here‘ and I have to say that I just love this song! Especially the lyrics. Lily has often been criticized for her weight and her body, but now, with this song, she speaks up, doesn’t hold back and stands her ground. ‚Hard out here‘ is so much more than just a cool song with great lyrics and a cool melody. It’s like an anthem for all those who are sick of size zero and stars who are drinking green juices for weeks in order to get skinny and fit again (and posting every detail about it…

  • Beauty,  Favourites of the Month,  Food,  Music

    January Favourites

    OMG – I’m back!! Can you believe it? After all those hours of stuDYING I finally have some time for blogging and I’m so happy! Unfortunately my exams at university aren’t over yet, but my two biggest ones are done (well, let’s say I survived them…) and the last two won’t be before the end of next week. Let me tell you that I am SO ready for semester break, seriously, I’m sick of studying and having no time for anything (or anyone) else. Thank God that soon this will be over! Anyway, I finally have time for my January Favourites, which actually were due by January 28th *cough*, but…

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