Instantly Inspired

  • Instantly Inspired

    ‚Men I may not know, but shoes, shoes I know‘

    The title of today’s post proves once again that Carrie Bradshaw knows best. Who wouldn’t like to spend one day in her to-die-for closet, walk those legendary stairs to her apartment (in Manolos obviously) and have, like, the three best friends ever? But it’s more what makes us want to step through the TV right into the world of ‚Sex and the City‚. Although not all of us may have the chance to write articles for Vogue and wear awesome designer clothes, we still have that one ‚thing‘ we constantly struggle with: Men. As a child you’re told that Prince Charming will come and fight for you no matter what,…

  • Beauty,  Inked,  Instantly Inspired,  Me


    Hey everyone! Today’s post will be kind of different, because it will be about a topic I haven’t written about before: Tattoos. They fascinate me and they scare me. They can look delicate, terrifying, beautiful, they can be big, small, colorful or monochrome – and they’re permanent. If you decide to get a tattoo, it will be there for the rest of your life. Now you may think ‚Eeh hold up, you actually can get rid of them‘. Yeah I know, you can. But there will still remain some scars that will always remind you of what’s been there before. As I said tattoos fascinate me. I like to think…

  • Adventure,  Food,  Instantly Inspired,  Me,  Shopping,  Travel

    Berlin Photo Diary Part II

    As promised, here’s part II of my Berlin Photo Diary! Did you like the last post and the pictures? Looking at them makes me want to catch the next flight to Berlin ASAP. (: I’m already working on posts about our shopping adventure, our instagram shots aaaaand one streetstyle post! So stay tuned! (; This breakfast *.* Is it already too late to have second breakfast? (2:30 pm at the moment, just sayin‘) Seriously, I NEED this now! Eeew, so much chewing gum on the Berliner Mauer… ^^ Nothing in between… oO Tried the panorama mode on my cellphone. It worked – almost. (;

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